Joi n us as a Beta Tester for the Mindfulness Masterclass 2.0!
Starts March 11th
Dearest explorer of consciousness,
You've been on our mind! We appreciate you're past participation in Mindful Science. We see you.
We're inviting you to be a beta tester for the 8 Week Science of Inspired Transformation self paced online course.
The first Beta 1.0 is complete and feedback is being implimented. This invitation is to start the next round of beta students, starting on the New Moon on Monday March 11th.
Scroll down to see how it works or listen to your heart and jump right in.
Official Beta Tester Invitation
Why me?
As someone who has been a citizen scientist in some way with Mindful Science, we know we can trust you to show up and choose to practice.
Some of you were practitioners in the group of conscious explorers who experienced what would become the last live group ascent up the mountain with our beloved sherpa, and are an important voice to help complete Eric Knouse Sr's final leacy project.
Some of you are friends and family of Eric and received these lessons in person through the years and have valuable insight in receiving his message digitally now.
Others of you are active in the toning community and participated in monthly practices where you self regulated your nervous system with sounds on the exhale. We're curious how you may encorportate your ability to collect data may assist in your successful completion of an 8 week self study course.
It's easy to say that however you got here, you are our ideal beta tester because your experience matters and we'd love to continue this conversation as you practice with the Science of Inspired Transformation 8 Week Mindfulness Masterclass material.
Why now?
During his last year physically on this Earth, Eric met with EJ and Danielle weekly to make progress on his vision of bringing the core practices of the live course into an online self study course that we planned to launch after our next group ascent - and - it was all put on pause when he made his heavenly transition and we processed his unexpected passing.
Now, we imagine his big smile shining bright, celebrating each of us... as we continue forward to complete his vision.
The intention is to have graduates who completed the course when it was run with group calls to now go through the online version and share with us, your experience. We want to welcome in all previous students of Mindful Science to experience this material.
Is this for Everybody?
Eventually, yes!! First, we're running the course multiple times with people that have had first hand practice with Mindful Science in some way.
Before promoting this online self study transformational course with the public, we are intentionally staring conversations and inviting people like you to be the first to experience the self online to offer feedback and insights. We then use your feedback to improve every 8 weeks and continue the cycle of growth.
In Summary
We know you have an embodied understanding of the live course and we hope you receive as much value now that it's in an evergreen format.
OK! I'm IN!
What to Expect
Great! Let's talk about what it means to be a beta tester and how the course works as a self study compared to the original group offering.
Phone App for Daily Journal Entry
This won't be in the app store. This is an exclusive download that you'll install on your phone. Your instructor can see the journal entries.
We're testing out automated emails, forms for baseline data, self-assessments, and need real people to try them out.
1 Hour Lecture Video Each Week
Instead of meeting live in for an hour in Zoom once a week, the 1 hour video will be in your course library to watch at your own pace.
Guided Audios
You'll be practicing every day with the orignal guided audios recorded by Eric Sr.
All of your journals, in
one place
We're really excited about the exclusive Mindful Journal Phone App that EJ built just for you
Weekly Content
Just like in the live course, you'll have new weekly content every 7 days for 8 weeks. Plus bonus week 9 (vortex).
Share with others
Upon completing all 8 weeks and providing feedback to help us improve the delivery...
Apply to the affiliate program to create a custom link to share and receive a percentage of all purchases made with your link.
The more you share, the more you earn? How cool is that?
Our Hope is for Beta Testers to Successly Complete 90%+ Course Content
Weekly Standing Feedback
As you go through the self study course with the "beta test lab coat" on, we want to hear about your user exeprience in real time.
To help with not only feedback but also accountability and sideline support, we invite you to jump on a quick 5 to 10 minute call with an instructor or just fill out beta tester feedback surveys to tell us for this week's material - what you loved, what you liked, what worked, what didn't, in an effort to continually improve the course delivery and digital support with encouragement.
In an industry where more than 50% of people don't finish the courses they start, it's our goal to change that!
We want to know how to best support you in practicing on your own to finish the 8 week course in 56 days.
The science suggests that consistent practice builds the healthy habit required for transformation.
Some Key Themes We Strive to Achieve
Easy to
Register and
Get Started
What was it like to begin? How was the registration?
Did you enjoy the text, video, and audio content?
90+% Course
Were you able to finish all 8 weeks? Why or Why not?
Word of
How likely are you to recommend to others?
Get your free entry now!
Alight, enough talk, let's get you inside the 8 week course...
And remember, the big why behind saying yes is...